
Over the last 9 years I have worked as an engineer and team leader.

I enjoy being a part of cross-functional teams, dynamic work environments, building things, and helping people.

Software Engineering

  • At this time, I am working as a backend engineer (Python)
  • I have passed a six-month-long course called Advanced Go developer by Yandex Practicum
  • I apply my Go knowledge by working on OpenVPN terraform provider

Infrastructure-related skills

  • Operating systems: Ubuntu, CentOS
  • Virtualization: Docker, Vagrant
  • Container orchestration: Kubernetes, Nomad
  • Infrastructure-as-Code: Terraform, Ansible
  • HashiCorp tools that haven't been mentioned up to this point: Vault, Consul, and Packer
  • CI/CD: Jenkins, Travis, GitLab, and GitHub Actions
  • Cloud providers: AWS, GCP, and AliCloud
  • Monitoring tools: Zabbix, Prometheus

Management skills

  • Hiring and onboarding of newcomers
  • Performance management and motivation
  • Conflict resolution
  • Planning, communication with stakeholders
  • Working with technical debt